Can I Get a Discount When Buying Multiple Packages at a Clinic in My Area?

Learn how you can get discounts when buying multiple packages at clinics in your area. Find out about reimbursement programs and ARC packages that can provide discounts on treatments and services.

Can I Get a Discount When Buying Multiple Packages at a Clinic in My Area?

Are you thinking of buying multiple packages at a clinic in your vicinity? If so, you may be wondering if it's possible to get a discount. The answer is yes, depending on the clinic and the type of package you purchase. Reimbursement programs are one way to get a discount. These plans are offered by clinics and third parties, and they provide certain preventive services for free and discounts for doctor visits and prescription drugs.

Generally, patients who participate in these programs find it to be a good deal, even if they don't use all of the treatments included in the package. However, there are certain criteria that must be met in order to qualify for a reimbursement program. For instance, the patient must be younger than 37 years old, have never had a miscarriage or failed IVF cycle, have a normal BMI, and have encouraging blood levels. This can rule out some patients who may be difficult to treat or cost the clinic or third party money.

In addition, many patients can't afford the upfront costs of a package, so 20-30% of patients need funding to pay in advance. Clinics and third parties can apply for loans through preferred providers such as LendingClub, CapexMD, Prosper, Suntrust, and others. If you don't want to use a loan, you may be able to negotiate a price reduction with the clinic or third party. Another option is an ARC package. These are offered through Intetramed clinics and include many benefits such as unlimited transfers of frozen embryos for each extraction.

However, ARC packages vary depending on the clinic and may include additional costs such as ICSI or multiple embryo transfers. ARC packages also offer partial refunds if the patient is successful and still has unused cycles. This is different from other reimbursement programs in the U. S., which only offer full refunds if the patient is successful. If you're considering purchasing multiple packages at once, it's important to ask yourself why you were invited to join the program, what success rate other patients have had who were invited to join, what the bar for success is, and what total costs you are likely to incur.

You should also ask your clinic what percentage of patients end up receiving reimbursement from them. Finally, if several patients intend to share a package, it's best to use a shared gift card instead of individual packages. This will allow all of the patients to access and redeem the credit that has been charged to the card. In conclusion, it is possible to get a discount when buying multiple packages at once at a clinic in your area. Reimbursement programs and ARC packages are two options that can provide discounts on treatments and services. However, it's important to understand the criteria for eligibility and the potential costs associated with each program before making your decision.

Kenneth Bley
Kenneth Bley

Pizza geek. Infuriatingly humble travelaholic. Infuriatingly humble tv lover. Lifelong webaholic. Hipster-friendly beer buff. Passionate food buff.