How Many Laser Sessions Does it Take to Permanently Remove Unwanted Hair?

Find out how many laser treatments are needed for permanent hair removal. Learn about the factors that affect the number of treatments needed and how laser hair removal works.

How Many Laser Sessions Does it Take to Permanently Remove Unwanted Hair?

Achieving the desired results of permanently removing hair requires most patients to undergo between two and six laser treatments. On average, it takes eight to twelve sessions to completely get rid of hair. However, the exact number of treatments needed can vary depending on the individual's skin tone, hair color, location, and thickness. During a consultation at our Fullerton office, our medical team will assess these factors and determine how many treatments are necessary.

In general, people rarely need more than eight sessions to completely remove hair. This is because laser hair removal works by cutting the hair on the skin instead of damaging or removing the follicle. As a result, the hair grows back much faster and needs to be treated again in order for it to be permanently removed. Additionally, while laser hair removal can permanently reduce hair growth, it doesn't completely stop hair from growing back.

The body area where you want to remove hair also plays a role in determining how many sessions you need. For example, if you have pale or white skin, you may need up to six treatments to permanently remove problem hair. On the other hand, if you have light brown skin, you'll need more treatment sessions to help you achieve permanent hair reduction. It's important to note that everyone is different and it's hard to know exactly how many sessions will be needed without an initial consultation.

However, most people need six to eight sessions to completely remove hair. After several sessions or a few months of treatment, many people see a visible reduction in hair growth. Switching to laser hair removal will not only remove hair more effectively and permanently, but it will also provide you with clearer, smoother skin with less irritation.

Kenneth Bley
Kenneth Bley

Pizza geek. Infuriatingly humble travelaholic. Infuriatingly humble tv lover. Lifelong webaholic. Hipster-friendly beer buff. Passionate food buff.