Exploring Laser Hair Removal Treatments: Are Free Trials Available in My Area?

Are you considering laser hair removal treatments? Learn about different types of treatments available, their benefits and risks, and how to find free trials in your area.

Exploring Laser Hair Removal Treatments: Are Free Trials Available in My Area?

Are you considering laser hair removal treatments but don't know where to start? You may be wondering if any free trials are available in your area. The answer is yes! In this article, we'll explore the different types of laser hair removal treatments, their advantages, and how to find free trials in your area. Laser hair removal is a popular method of getting rid of unwanted body hair. It uses a laser beam to target and destroy the hair follicles, preventing them from producing new hairs.

The pigment in the hair follicles absorbs the laser beam, which heats up and destroys them. This hair removal method is considered safe and effective, with minimal side effects.

Motus AX & AY is a handheld device that uses high-repetition pulses to generate cumulative hair follicle heating without damaging the surrounding skin. Clinical studies have demonstrated that Motus is equal to or better than traditional hair removal lasers and offers a genuinely painless treatment for the patient. This new and innovative technology overcomes the limitations of conventional alexandrite lasers while retaining all its advantages, making it safe for all skin types with an efficiency equal to or greater than traditional hair removal lasers. Depending on the type of laser used, a cooling device at the instrument's tip or a cold gel can protect the skin and reduce the risk of side effects.

By using high-speed pulses with lower fluence, together with the relative thermal relaxation time of the skin and the cooled sapphire tip, Motus is considerably more comfortable than any other existing laser system.

SmoothSkin Pure Fit is another popular laser hair removal device. It claims to give remarkable results in 2 weeks, eliminating up to 99% of the hair after 12 weeks of treatment. If you choose to use a home laser hair removal device, follow the instructions that come with the device to help reduce the risk of injury, especially eye injury. When the doctor activates the laser, the laser beam will pass through the skin to the hair follicles. After laser hair removal and between scheduled treatments, avoid sunlight and don't use a tanning bed for six weeks or as directed by your doctor.

If you have a skin reaction right after laser hair removal, your doctor may apply a steroid cream to the affected area.

Finding Free Trials

If you're interested in trying out laser hair removal treatments but don't want to commit to an entire course of treatments right away, you may be able to find free trials in your area. Many clinics offer free trials as part of their promotional activities. You can search online for free trial clinics or contact local clinics directly to inquire about their promotional offers. It's important to note that free trials are usually limited in scope and may not provide you with enough information to make an informed decision about whether or not laser hair removal is proper for you. Before signing up for any free trial, ensure you understand what's included in the trial and what's not.

Also, read all terms and conditions carefully before signing up.


Laser hair removal treatments can be an effective way to remove unwanted body hair. Several types of treatments are available, each with its own benefits and risks. If you're interested in trying out laser hair removal but don't want to commit to an entire course of treatments right away, you may be able to find free trials in your area.

Kenneth Bley
Kenneth Bley

Pizza geek. Infuriatingly humble travelaholic. Infuriatingly humble tv lover. Lifelong webaholic. Hipster-friendly beer buff. Passionate food buff.