How Many Laser Hair Removal Sessions Do You Need?

When it comes to facial hair removal, laser treatment is a popular and effective option for both men and women. Learn how many sessions are necessary to achieve desired results.

How Many Laser Hair Removal Sessions Do You Need?

When it comes to facial hair, laser hair removal is a popular and effective option for both men and women. But how many sessions are necessary to achieve the desired results? Generally, it takes between four and six treatments to completely remove unwanted hair. However, the exact number of sessions depends on several factors, such as the area of the body being treated, the color of the skin, the texture of the hair, and the cause of hair growth. Everyone's body is different, and various biological elements can influence how many sessions are necessary.

Laser hair removal is a simple and efficient solution for getting rid of unwanted hair. However, it's important to note that one session is not enough to permanently destroy your hair. You must undergo multiple treatments to achieve optimal results. This varies from person to person. Hair removal usually requires a series of laser treatments.

Most patients can receive laser hair removal every four to six weeks. Your dermatologist will tell you when it's safe to have another treatment. Laser hair removal works better for some people than others, as everyone's hair regrows at different rates. On average, you can expect a 70-80% reduction in hair growth after four to six full cycles of treatments. After three treatments, at least 50% of your hair will be gone forever.

With six treatments, that number typically increases to 90% of your hair permanently removed. You may need between five and ten treatments before you see the results you want. It's important to remember that you must wait four to six weeks between treatments in this area of the body. Many patients report that the laser pulses feel like hot pinpricks or like an elastic band snapping against their skin. Another reason why people don't usually choose electrolysis over laser extraction is that it can only be done on small areas, such as the eyebrows and face. The basic principle behind laser hair removal is that the pigment in the hair (but not in the skin) absorbs light energy.

In contrast, electrolysis sends electrical energy directly to the follicle while laser removal involves using light energy that is converted into thermal energy. It offers long-lasting results for different types of skin and hair, freeing you from time-consuming tasks such as shaving, waxing, or tweezing. Your doctor will also take pictures of the areas where your hair will be removed in order to evaluate them before and after treatment. In some cases, it may take up to a year to remove all unwanted hair from your bikini area. After finishing treatments, most patients don't see any more hair on their treated skin for several months or even years. This dual laser tool is part of Candela's high-performance Gentle Pro series and provides fast and effective results safely.

Some laser hair removal treatments will be necessary before those hairs stop growing back completely. Everything is very personalized depending on how your body grows the hair and where you want it removed. Switching to laser hair removal will not only remove your hair more effectively and permanently but also give you clearer, smoother skin with less irritation. Both men and women are interested in receiving treatment in these areas because unwanted hair is quite visible in these areas of the body. If you have been waxing or shaving your face for a while, it's likely that you have already caused some damage to the follicles in this region.

The pigment in the hair absorbs light which is then converted into heat which damages the follicles. Because only the visible part of the hair is cut off instead of removing or damaging the follicle itself, it grows back much faster.

Kenneth Bley
Kenneth Bley

Pizza geek. Infuriatingly humble travelaholic. Infuriatingly humble tv lover. Lifelong webaholic. Hipster-friendly beer buff. Passionate food buff.